February 10th–11th, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
The Global Pulse Confederation would like to extend its sincere congratulations to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and to Burkina Faso for an extremely successful closing of the 2016 International Year of Pulses. GPC was able to participate in this extraordinary event, alongside ministers and high level representatives of countries and other stakeholders committed to promoting the benefits of pulses for the health of people and of the planet. “This event was an opportunity to demonstrate our collective commitment to furthering the progress made on this front beyond 2016, and to continue to build on the Year’s achievements” commented Huseyin Arslan, president of the GPC. The event was a fitting capstone to the 2016 International Year of Pulses, and we wish to commend the FAO and Burkina Faso for demonstrating the importance of pulses to feeding the world in a healthy and sustainable way.
GPC welcomes and endorses the “Ouagadougou Declaration”, recommending that the UN General Assembly recognize an International Day of Pulses, and calls on all countries to mobilize towards this goal. Said Mr. Arslan “the achievements of the Year will be judged based on its legacy, and part of this legacy must include cementing recognition of pulses as a key means of achieving sustainability and food security”.
Full text (in French) of the Ouagadougou Declaration: http://burkina24.com/2017/02/11/annee-internationale-des-legumineuses-la-declaration-de-ouagadougou/